Monday, September 4, 2017

Why Sociology?

Mhmm.. to begin.. I've decided to major in Sociology because I really love helping people,especially children. When I was growing up, I always had a interest of helping those, whether it was giving them a $1 or even helping a elderly person with their groceries, I was always the one who would volunteer their services first! As I have grown up, I realized that little by little, there are things around us that helped shaped us to become who we are and for some odd reason, I just wanted to know what are those things that shaped people and based on those things, how it affects society as a whole. Based on this, I will use what I've learned in Sociology to help children become better individuals for our society depends on it.

To me, when I think or hear about the word Sociology, I'm thinking about how do people interact with each other socially? Like, what is around us that helps us communicate or get along  with people? How does the little things that people do or come across with  influence their behavior, whether its positive or its negative? To me, the sociological perspective is a view of a person's actions and based on those actions, how it affects society as a whole. People don't realize this, but Sociology is so useful in the world! Sociology is useful because it helps others to see the things that are constantly around us has a huge influence on us- whether its good or bad. With Sociology, one can say " because of his neighborhood, its causes him to act violently".  Whether its good or bad, Sociology can be the pinpoint to help society to understand individuals' actions.

A sociological perspective has a huge advantage for society. For starters, it could help society understand a person's viewpoint of things, or help society understand a person's experience and how they have learned and grown from that experience. Also, with the sociological perspective, its not only one person who goes through something, its multiple people. So, based on that situation, the outcome might be different, however that situation bring people together and make them as a whole. People think that you can only use Sociology just for school, but that's not the case at all! Whenever, I see a homeless man on the street, I begin to question myself, "what were the factors that influenced this homeless man to become homeless" How can he uplift himself? People don't realize this, but we are always using Sociology around us, whether its seeing a homeless person lying down on the street, or certain neighborhood only have healthy options in the neighborhood. People have to realize that its the little things that is around us that influences our behavior heavily and make us wonder why is this happening?

I hope I didn't bore you too much with this information, but the point of it was to really sit back and think. Think about people's actions and think about personal things in your life! So, the next time you see something and its unfamiliar to you or you just don't understand, think about sociology and come up with a lot of questions! It shows that you are interested and that you care.
                                                                                                               Until next time
                                                                                                              - Anikka :)

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